Behind the Manufacture of Rorokenes Genuine Leather Bags
When buying leather bags, people are usually confused to decide, “ Should I buy synthetic leather bags or genuine leather
By Tas Anyaman Kulit Rorokenes|2019-11-25T11:08:57+07:00November 25th, 2019|Stories|
When buying leather bags, people are usually confused to decide, “ Should I buy synthetic leather bags or genuine leather
By Tas Anyaman Kulit Rorokenes|2019-11-25T09:37:39+07:00November 22nd, 2019|Stories|
Saat akan membeli tas berbahan kulit, tak jarang orang-orang bingung memutuskan, “Haruskah saya membeli tas kulit imitasi atau tas handmade
By Tas Anyaman Kulit Rorokenes|2019-09-12T09:39:15+07:00September 12th, 2019|Stories|
Before buying a bag, the first thing you need to consider is choosing the materials used. It is important because the materials used will determine the shape, durability, aesthetic, and also price. Types of leather bags and the differences.
By Tas Anyaman Kulit Rorokenes|2019-10-14T15:13:44+07:00August 29th, 2019|Stories|
Mengenal tas anyaman kulit, tas kulit biasa, asli maupun imitasi menjadi penting. Pemilihan bahan mempengaruhi bentuk, ketahanan, estetika, dan harganya.
By Rorokenes Indonesia|2018-06-19T07:12:54+07:00June 18th, 2018|Stories|
Leather bag is the bag with good quality and durable. Everyone know this. In the process many models and designs are born. There are similar and some are typical. Special design that sets it apart. Usually leather bags leather processing, only now there is a different design than the woven leather.
Tas anyaman kulit Rorokenes, Good product, good impact. Elegance in your everyday looks.
Jl. Bukit Putri, No. 17,
Bukitsari 50261, Semarang
Phone: +62811-2998-249