“Things of quality have no fear of time.” Will you still use the same Rorokenes leather bag in the next five years? Why not? Rorokenes always believes in every work we make. We make sure that every woven bag is handmade with precision, accuracy and good quality.

Not only ensuring the quality, we also ensure that the process of making Rorokenes bags does not damage the nature. Besides that, Rorokenes believes that each of our work must be able to have a positive social impact. Starting from empowering the community, up to helping women who became the victims of violence through Pundi Perempuan program managed by IKa (Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan / Indonesia for Humanity) (@indonesiauntukkemanusiaan).

Buying Rorokenes is buying the quality. Buying Rorokenes also means supporting awareness of natural sustainability, and supporting the empowerment of local communities.

About Rorokenes Indonesia

Rorokenes Indonesia is a local brand from Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The name Rorokenes is taken from the Javanese language. Roro means Princess, while Kenes means agile and charming. Overall, the meaning of the Rorokenes brand name is a noble woman who is active, intelligent, and has a refined social awareness. Read more …

Contact Us
WA +62811-2998-249
IG @rorokenesindonesia
FB fb.me/rorokenesindonesia


Semarang artisan woven bag, exquisite handcrafted product meet with sustainability and ethical concept.

#Rorokenes #LeatherWovenBag #ArtisanCraft