When buying leather bags, people are usually confused to decide, “ Should I buy synthetic leather bags or genuine leather bags ?”
Surely, the choice is yours. But if you want a bag that is more durable and has a high value, then genuine leather bags like Rorokenes products are the answer. Why is a genuine leather bag and not the synthetic one?
There are many advantages of genuine leather compared to synthetic leather. In terms of durability, a well-maintained genuine leather bag can last a long time and it looks even more beautiful. The genuine leather material has gone through a process of tanning and special care to ensure that the strength and durability are maximum. In terms of appearance, genuine leather bags of any color still look elegant so they can be used for casual and formal occasions. The genuine leather material can survive in any kinds of weather. Different from synthetic leather, the genuine leather material is not easily peeled or cracked. In addition, the genuine leather material is always popular although fashion continuous to change.
Rorokenes is a brand of bags made of woven genuine leather that can be your choice. Rorokenes leather bags are made of 100% genuine leather with various up to date designs. Rorokenes bags are often combined with the local ethnic material so that they become more unique. Some of Rorokenes bags are designed to be multifunctional with removable straps to meet your needs.
How are Rorokenes genuine leather bags made?
Bags made of genuine leather really have many advantages. Even so, the bags production process also determines the final quality of the leather bags. Starting from the material selections up to become beautiful bags that you know now, Rorokenes has only produced the best work. Let’s find out how Rorokenes bags are made by Indonesian local craftsmen.
Materials Selection
The major material of Rorokenes bags is the genuine leather from livestock like cows and sheep, not from exotic animal skin or other protected animals. The leather is obtained from the leather factory that agrees to work with Rorokenes. The factory that was invited to collaborate had already been selected by Rorokenes.
Rorokenes has a standard of woven leather bags that environmentally friendly. Therefore, only the leather factory with good waste management, according to ISO standard and do not cause pollution, can work together with Rorokenes. The factory also must be able to fulfill the monthly quota in order to fulfill customer orders. Before entering the Rorokenes workshop, the leather material has been selected through strict Quality Control (QC) to maintain its quality.
Production Process
Rorokenes always pays attention to details in every production process. Therefore, to maintain the quality, every bag is handmade, and not mass produced. The production process is carried out by local craftsmen in Semarang, Central Java.
Rorokenes bag production begins with processing leather that comes from the factory. After arriving at the workshop, Rorokenes leather material is neatly cut with millimeter precision. The leather that has been cut is then woven into a full or combination leather bag. The weaving technique used is the same as the weaving method of mats, the art that has been passed down from generation to generation in Indonesia. However, weaving leather is more difficult than weaving with other materials. This is because the leather is flexible, and the result of the surface must be flat. In order to produce good weaving, Rorokenes bags are only done by experienced craftsmen who are experts in their field.
The woven leather is then shaped according to the pattern of the bag. After going through the cutting process according to the pattern, the bag is then put together by being stitched manually. Every stitch is done carefully, so that the result is neat. If it has been sewn, then Rorokenes bag is ready for finishing and then sent to the customer. In every production process, from material selection to finishing, Rorokenes always carries out quality control to ensure that Rorokenes bags that reach your hands have good quality.
Why Choosing Rorokenes Bags?
Genuine woven leather bags by Rorokenes can be your collection because they have beautiful and up to date designs. Rorokenes bags come in various types, from clutches for parties to backpack for traveling. The designs are elegant, simple, and classy, suitable for various occasions.
There is no need to doubt regarding the quality of Rorokenes bags. Rorokenes bags have been curated many times, and the result is that Rorokenes bags have export standards. Rorokenes participated in international exhibitions representing Central Java Province and has customers in many parts of the world. Until something happened, when intending to join one of the international exhibitions in Rusia, dozens of Rorokenes bags were held at the airport because they were considered to have a higher value than the original.
All Rorokenes bags are made in indonesia with 90% of the materials that come from local content. By using Rorokenes bags, you participate in helping community empowerment.
#Rorokenes #WovenLeatherBag #LeatherWovenBag #ArtisanCraft
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